NDHS Homecoming 2024

Msgr. O’Brien Planned Giving Society

Monsignor John J. O’Brien
Monsignor John J. O’Brien
Membership to the Monsignor John J. O’Brien Planned Giving Society goes to those who have made Notre Dame & St. Mary’s a beneficiary in their estate plans. Monsignor O’Brien was instrumental in the planning and building of Notre Dame High School. To discuss leaving your legacy with a planned gift contact: Ashley Vernon, Advancement / Development, advancement@notredamewv.org
Class Giving Challenge
The Class of ’74 has started a class challenge. At their reunion held on 9/14, they have issued a challenge to other classes to meet or beat their fundraising efforts. During their reunion, they raffled off two different bracelets and collected donations for the school. Updates will be posted as I have them. Let’s see what class will win this challenge!
Notre Dame & St. Mary’s Fund
The Notre Dame & St. Mary’s Fund is an annual campaign which provides funds for academic and extra-curricular programs, building maintenance and improvement, and allows administration to keep tuition costs as low as possible. Everyone is asked to consider a gift to the Notre Dame & St. Mary’s Fund. In order for yearly campaigns to be successful and for financial growth to occur gifts received should reflect a balance between leadership gifts ($1,000+) and broad participation. Gifts to the fund directly benefit our students and are greatly appreciated. To make a gift to the Notre Dame & St. Mary’s Fund, please send checks to: Notre Dame & St. Mary’s Fund,127 East Pike St., Clarksburg, WV 26301